Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Last Three Weeks!

I've gotten behind on my blog posts recently. Our family has had three trips to Indianapolis recently: two for Marching Band competitions and one for a doctor's appointment. Combine that with every day life, and the holidays quickly approaching; and it seems like October and now, November, have flown by. It's hard to believe that there is only one more Son City Kids Event for the year. Thank goodness for the Study Center!!

The last three weeks at the Edison Gardens Study Center have continued to be amazing weeks. We've averaged 14 students a week, with as few as two volunteers and as many as five!

Three weeks ago we were blessed with four boxes of children's books! The kids were so excited. They were each able to take several books home to read. So many things that we take for granted, are such special gifts for others! Both the younger, and older, children truly appreciated the books. We told them to return the books when they are finished reading them, so that others can also read them. We also told them that if there was one book that they absolutely wanted to keep, they could!

Two weeks ago, we were blessed with 70 degree weather. It seemed like Spring Fever all over again. Combine that with not enough volunteers, and it was chaos! The kids wanted to be outside, instead of working on their homework. We managed to keep them focused for a while, but then we headed outdoors. We had purchased four bags of tulip bulbs that needed to be put down by the two front entrance signs to Edison Gardens; and this was the perfect day to do it! We managed to put down 24 bulbs down by the west sign, but still have 24 more to put down by the east sign. The kids love planting, and loved learning how to use a bulb planter! I'm hoping for another warm Monday afternoon to finish the job, before a hard freeze. The kids are looking forward to pink and purple tulips blooming next Spring!

Last Monday, we were blessed with two new volunteers! Welcome, Sarah and Seth!! We were able to accomplish so many things by having the additional help. Our first floor hall closet was finally cleaned out, so we could organize the new books we were given. A photo bulletin board upstairs was also redone by one of our students with 2008 photos of the kids, instead of photos from three or four years ago. A couple of the boys were very happy to have another male volunteer! After their homework was finished, they soon had him out on the basketball court, despite the cool weather!! Overall, it was a great Monday!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Awesome Kids! Awesome Monday!!

This week I forgot to print the sign-in sheet before leaving home; so I had the kids jot their names down on a piece of paper. As a result, everyone did not sign in; but I was able to remember at least 15 of the children who were there. The children come in waves. We get a group of kids right when we open at 3:30 p.m. The second wave comes in closer to 4 p.m. We've been working with children in grades Kindergarten through 7Th grade. We've also been blessed with a couple of older girls who have stepped up to help us with the younger children. They also stay to help us clean up!

This week, we welcomed a new volunteer, Gina! Gina attended the orientation we had after Journey classes last Wednesday. She's been a blessing to us! Welcome, Gina!!

Gina, Rachel, and I opened up the Study Center; and were joined by Jared shortly after 4 p.m. We must have been asked by at least four of the boys if Jared was coming. Jared is the Games Leader for our monthly Son City Kids Events; so the kids know him well. They also know that he is more than happy to shoot some hoops with them! Unfortunately it rained on Monday afternoon; so the game play was upstairs this week.

The kids snacked on string cheese, Rice Krispie treats, apples, and Sunny D. It amazes me how much they love string cheese! While snacking, the kids worked on their homework. Once again, our Kindergartner, Andriana, proudly came in with her Disney Princess folder containing handwriting homework. She loves homework, and gives us the biggest smile, when asked if she has any. I know this will change in a few short years; so we'll enjoy it while it lasts!

The kids love having their picture taken, especially the boys! This makes me laugh, because this will change, too. Below you will see photos that were taken by both me and some of the children! Notice what the boys were wearing. They wanted me to take pictures of their cool shirts!! :)

The kids always ask when we'll be back; and the answer always is "We'll see you next Monday!" It's nice to know that they want us there!!

Next week, we'll be starting something new. We now have books for the children to read! YEAH!! They can read them at the Study Center, or they can take them home to read. They can even keep one if they want to! Now we need to go in and organize four boxes of books, and put them on shelves; so the kids can choose a book easier. We may even get to read to them!! Now we need sofas, bean bags, and comfy chairs for upstairs!